Aerial Photographs
Aerial Photographs can be very useful tools in the field of natural resource management, historical research, or in the preparation to build a home. The District has aerial photographs for various years or both Atlantic and Cape May Counties.

The District can produce digital maps of historic aerial photographs for a specific site for certain years. Please utilize the Aerial Photograph Request Form to review years available and to request maps. Each map produced will show the approximate location of each site on an aerial photo and will be produced on 8.5” x 11” paper. Each map will include north arrow, scale, and a title block with municipal, block and lot information.

The District is also offering other maps produced on Geographic Information Systems (GIS). With this technology, District staff is able to produce maps with multi-layered information such as wetlands, soils, aerial photograph, and topography for a particular site or project. These maps can be used for submittal to the Pinelands Commission, NJDEP, municipal tax officials, or other state and local government agencies. For more information, please contact the District Office.

To utilize the technical resources available in the District Office, the District asks that you contact us in advance to make an appointment. This is to ensure that a staff member will be available for your particular questions and needs.

6260 Old Harding Highway
Mays Landing, New Jersey 08330
Phone: (609) 625-3144
Fax: (609) 625-7360      

Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:00am-3:30pm
Office closes daily 12:00pm-12:30pm