Each of us in our daily activities affects the environment in either a positive or negative way. We all play a vital role in sculpting our surroundings. Decisions are made every day; decisions that can have reaching impacts.

During the 1930's, choices were made and land use practices that abused the land were common. The result was an over working of the soil. Coupled with an extended period of drought a serious soil erosion problem developed. These events caused the US Senate to call a special Public Lands Committee. On April 27, 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Soil Conservation Act, Public Law 46. An era of soil conservation had officially began.

Soil conservation districts were created across the country. Districts were instituted in New Jersey with the adoption of the New Jersey Soil Conservation Act in July of 1937. On July 19, 1946, the Southeast Jersey Soil Conservation was established. The Districts name changed in 1962 to the Cape Atlantic Conservation District and is one of fifteen conservation districts in New Jersey. In 2002, the District changed its' name to the Cape Atlantic Conservation District.  While soils remain a mainstay, the programs and activities of the District address a wide array of natural resource conservation issues.

The Cape Atlantic Conservation District is a legal subdivision of the state government and is managed by a Board of five supervisors comprised of residents from Cape May and Atlantic Counties.

Learn more about the history, growth, and purpose of conservation districts in the National Association of Conservation Districts' mini-documentary below.

History of the District

National Association of Conservation Districts. (28 February 2019). Past, Present and Future of Conservation Districts [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/LU-PdpT-2v4.
6260 Old Harding Highway
Mays Landing, New Jersey 08330
Phone: (609) 625-3144
Fax: (609) 625-7360

Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:00am-3:30pm
Office closes daily 12:00pm-12:30pm

Learn more about what your New Jersey Soil Conservation Districts do!

What is a New Jersey
Soil Conservation District?